Waiver, Release, Indemnity, Consent and Range Rules

All those who wish to use this facility in any capacity - whether observing or shooting must fill out this form in it’s entirety. All information will be kept confidential and will not be distributed for any purpose. This waiver is stricly for use by Archery HQ LLC.

Assumption of Risk: I hereby release Archery HQ LLC , it’s member entities, owners, employees, club members, volunteers, instructors, guests, agents, and affiliates from all liability for personal injury or property damage through use, in any way, of the facility and it’s equipment. I agree to accept and assume any and all risks existing at Archery HQ LLC’s facility and its operations at 5277 FM 1044 STE #102, New Braunfels, TX 78130. I acknowledge and understand that shooting activities are hazardous and involve risks both known and unanticipated. I agree to assume all responsibilities of these risks.

General Range Rules:

  1. The use of drugs or alcohol on Archery HQ LLC property or it’s affiliates properties. Persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be denied the use of the facilities.

  2. Smoking or Vaping is prohibited in any building or restroom. Smoking and vaping is only allowed outdoors and away from all entrances and congregations of other patrons. All debris or trash from smoking or vaping must be removed when leaving the premises.

  3. Horseplay and other activities not related to the shooting of archery equipment are not allowed on the range.

  4. Only those who have signed this waiver in the current calendar year are allowed on the shooting ranges.

  5. NO BROADHEADS - Broadheads, broadhead practice points, broadhead simulators are strictly prohibited on any Archery HQ LLC range.

  6. While shooting outdoors, be aware of any vegetation or animals that may be harmful, such as mesquite thorns and snakes.

  7. Follow all safety rules on this form and any posted range rules

    1. Never pass the shooting stakes or shooting line until all those shooting on the lines have fired their shots. In the event that multiple shooters are on the 3D range, Shooters must clearly communicate that they are finished shooting with the adjacent shooting lanes before attempting to retrieve arrows. Stay in the line directly behind target to look for lost arrows. Do not attempt to retrieve any arrows further than 20 yards behind the target if other participants are shooting the range. Wait until all shooting is finished before looking for any lost arrows past 20 yards.

    2. Always walk on the range. Running is not allowed

    3. Abide by all written and verbal rules and instructions issued by Archery HQ instructors, staff, volunteers, and affiliates.

By digitally signing below, I acknowledge and agree that I have read, understand, and agree with all of the above.

You Must check in at the parking area before proceeding to the range!